Easy zucchini fritters are perfect to serve for breakfast, healthy  lunch or low calorie dinner.

Simple Step by Step zucchini recipe with 5 ingredients that you can make in less than 30 min! 

Shred the zucchini in a bowl, mix it with salt and leave for 20 minutes to let it release the juice.

While waiting for zucchini to release their juice, in a separate bowl grate the cheese and chop the scallions.

Zucchini fritters are also great recipe for your breakfast. Yo can also use your favorite dipping sauce, to make it even more delicious! 

Squeeze the excess liquid from shredded zucchini with your hands (use a sieve or a cheese cloth). Discard the liquid

Mix zucchini with cheese, egg and chopped scallions. Mix in the flour.  

Season with freshly ground black pepper. 

Heat olive oil in a pan on a medium heat. Form the fritters from the zucchini mix. One fritter equals about 2-3 tbsp of the mix.

Fry them 2-3 minutes on each side until brown and crispy.

After frying you can leave fritters on a paper towel to get the excess oil off. 

I hope you will enjoy this healthy zucchini recipe for dinner. Really easy to make, can be dinneralong with Greek Salad,  chicken or salmon. 

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